Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ponderings on soulmates...

soooooo....hm. i feel like writing, but im not sure what im writing about.

i have been sitting here for a long time now, and for the past half an hour at least there have been two girls sitting across the room who are talking about their soulmates and their spirits. they were completely serious and honest, which i found a pleasant change from the usual "oh, i've known him for two days and he's soooo cute, he MUST be my soulmate!" that most girls blather on about.

it got me to thinking...how do we really know when we've met our soulmate?

i think it has to be someone
who has known you for a long time
someone who you've tested, time and time again
but who wont give up on you
someone who, after a while,
you try imagining your future without
and realize you just cant picture it
someone you could forgive for just about anything
doesnt matter how they've hurt you
someone who can brighten up your day
simply by saying 'hi' or 'i love you'

that someone could be your soulmate....

i think i may have found mine <3

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