Thursday, December 3, 2009


its snowing today. its been snowing all day long, and its finally the proper, fluffy, delightful stuff. why does it make me so happy? no idea. :) it just does.
but then i stop for a moment, and think about my life...and the snow isnt as delightful anymore...

a couple of girls from my floor just stopped by my room to ask me if i wished to join in making snowflakes, and i think i may join them in a little while, after i finish a rough draft of this paper im working on. (ps - sorry my wolf....i kinda put it off even though you made me promise i wouldnt :( ...but at least im not starting at midnight!!)
i was really quite touched that they invited me, seeing as i dont really hang out with many of them that often. i thought maybe they didnt like me that much because i hang out with the guys in my building a LOT more often than i do girls. i guess it was me that never made the effort to get to know them....must remedy that.

ok. i NEED to get off here and get my paper written, because im not done after that. then i have to study for a vocabulary-intensive quiz and then work on my OTHER paper, which i am talking with my professor about tomorrow!

however, i do think i'll reward myself in between with a little trip down the hall for some SNOWFLAKE MAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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